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Главная » 2011 » Апрель » 14 » Детская психология: ребенок не адаптируется к детскому саду
Детская психология: ребенок не адаптируется к детскому саду

На почту мне пришел очень непростой вопрос от мамы мальчика, который с большим трудом ходит в детский сад, часто болеет. Наш детский психолог особенно внимательно подошла к проблеме этой семьи, ребенок действительно, страдает! Детская психология сложный и нежный механизм, без специалиста родителям порой трудно разобраться. Обязательно прочитайте рекомендации детского психолога, возможно, они помогут и вам лучше понимать вашего ребенка:

Вопрос: Добрый день! Моему ребенку 4 года, мы стали ходить в детский сад в 1г. 10мес. У ребенка плохой иммунитет, мы постоянно болели и продолжаем болеть. У нас есть подозрение на бронхиальную астму, мы сейчас обследуемся, т.к. часто болел бронхитом обструктивным. Мы ходим мах 10 дней, и 2-3 недели болеем. Летом не болеем вообще, за 4 месяца он не болел ни разу.

В этом году пошли 15 сентября, отходили неделю и заболели на 2 недели. Потом вышли на 4 дня и у ребенка началась рвота в детском саду, с промежутками в 2-3 дня. Мы сдали все анализы, сделали узи желудка, все ок. Выяснили что ребенка пичкали едой насильно. Мы воспитателям высказали, чтоб не кормили насильно.

Появилась новая проблема, ребенок перед детским садом хочет какать уже 3 дня подряд, даже если дома только что сходил. Я думаю на нервной почве. Их заставляют самих вытирать попу, а мой ребенок переживает, что плохо вытрет. У нас закончилась бумага, воспитатель дала ему чужую и сказала: – не рви много,чужая ведь. Дома я его приучаю самому вытирать.

Ребенок не хочет ходить в детский сад, он комплексует, боится что его будут ругать, что он не так что-нибудь сделает. Воспитатели на мою просьбу помочь ему адаптироваться после лета не прилагают никаких усилий. Каждое утро он плачет и просит меня подождать, когда он покакает. Ребенок очень переживает, а они списывают это на адаптацию к детскому саду. Подскажите как помочь моему ребенку адаптироваться и реже болеть.

Ответ детского психолога: Здравствуйте! В Вашем случае думаю, что следует уже говорить не об адаптации ребенка к детскому садику, а о последствиях плохой адаптации (или скорее дезадаптации). Частые заболевания (в том числе и ОРЗ и простой насморк) в вашем случае скорее психосоматические, т.е. основная причина – психологические проблемы. Если не решить эти проблемы, то заболевания будут продолжаться и усложняться. Появление таких симптомов, как рвота и желание покакать говорит, что в настоящее время проблемы серьезные (так можно и до невроза дойти). Весь организм ребенка уже просто кричит – мне плохо, помогите мне!!! Детский сад для ребенка сейчас уже является стресс-фактором, который запускает весь механизм проблем. Врачи и таблетки в данном случае не являются единственным способом решения проблемы – вы устраняете симптомы, а не причину.

Обязательно, просто необходимо обратиться к детскому психологу. Ребенку необходима психологическая помощь, работа с психологом. Если в детском саде вам согласны помочь и поработать с ребенком – хорошо. Если нет – ищите другого детского психолога и идите за помощью. Воспитатели и заведующая в лучшем случае будут соглашаться с вами и делать то, что для них не сложно. В наших детских садах много детей, и воспитатели не нацелены на индивидуальный подход, особенно со сложным ребенком. Проявляйте активность сами. Вам сейчас очень трудно, вы очень устали, много переживаний и хлопот, но вашему сыну еще сложнее – он маленький и беззащитный в этом сложном окружающем мире. Постарайтесь собрать все свои силы, всю свою любовь и вместе с походами к врачам и детским психологам находите время, чтобы дарить своему сынишке нежность, заботу, минуты ласки и любви. Он в этом сейчас так нуждается.

Не откладывайте поход к детскому психологу. Напишите мне, как пойдут ваши дела, если будут еще вопросы. Я постараюсь ответить вам быстро.

Просмотров: 3589 | Добавил: psiholog | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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1 Ольга   (06.09.2013 23:33) [Материал]
здраствуйте.статья очень понравилась,очень поучительная и правдивая.но у меня есть много дополнительных проблем с вождением ребенка в садик.начну по порядку...начали ходить в сад мы в 3.8.привыкание было плавным и долгим.сначала гуляли с группой,затем сидели вместе в группе(постепенно увеличивая время).затем сидела я в коридоре(дочка переодически выбигала проверяла).каждый этап длился неделю полторы.потом стала оставлять ее одну ,а сама уже уходила.вот тут и начались истерики,как будто и не было всего нашего привыкания(((мы рыдали каждое утро,плюс на нервах появилась рвота,отходив неделю она вроде стала спокойней,прекратилась рвота и плакать стали через день.но тут мы начали болеть,как вы и пишите неделю ходили три болели(((естествеено половину адаптиции уходило на ноль,но по возвращению с больничного она уже только немного капризничала.так мы проходили-проболели год.при этом с детьми она особо общатся нестала,практически всегда была рядом с воспитателем или няней.если воспитателю надо было куда то уйти,она начинала истерить и не отпускала ее.моей великой ошибкой было то что я решила забрать ребенка на все лето из сада(т.к.воспитатели ушли в отпуск и в группе каждую неделю был чужой воспитатель).я решила не травмировать психику еще больше появлением и оставанием каждый раз с чужим человеком.вобщем хотела как лучше,а получилось как всегда((((вот закончилось лето,мы пошли в сад...нас перевели в старшую группу дочке 4.8 и началось все по новой(((в новой группе детки все старые и одна из воспитателей тоже,а вот нянечка и другая воспитатель новая.первый день шли прекрасно,ровно до момента раздевания в саду(воспитатель была старая) потом началась истерика,я пыталась успакоить но безуспешно,вобщем я уходила она плакала.на след.день все тоже самое плюс вернулась рвота(((отходили три дня,решили отдохнуть потому что она была уже вымотана.сейчас три дня отдыхаем счастливей ребенка нет.но про сад даже слышать не хочет.на распросы обидели наругали и тд овечает нет все хорошо,но говорит что просто не хочу туда и все.хочу говорит с бабушкой дома сидеть как раньше.а еще забыла сказать что через пять минут после моего ухода она успокаивпется и все нормально до обеда(вожу в сад всегда до обеда и забираю в одно время,т.к.днем давно неспим).в сад отдали что бы ребенок перед школой привык к обществу детей.ходим на гармоническое развитие,третий год,и каждый год первые занятия приходится сидеть на задней парте,т.к.без меня плачет и не идет.спустя три четыре занятия все нормально идет сама.я так понимаю что у нас проблемма именно в моменте расстования,т.е.именно вот эти пять минут,потом все хорошо успокаивается и уже не плачет.подскажите как можно сделать чтоб момент расставания был менее трагичен.или это норма для адаптации домашнего ребенка просидевшего почти 4 года дома?и как должен проходить сам процесс прощания,чтоб ребенок не чуствовал себя преданым мамой?я заметила что чем дольше я ее уговариваю и пращаюсь в садике,тем сильнее доча начинает рыдать(((мамочки с группы говорят:привела переодела и оставила в группе без лишних слов,но я так не могу мне ее безумно жалко и я боюсь потерять ее доверие,я боюсь что она расценит это как предательство.незнаю важно это или нет она у меня единственный и очень долгожданный ребенок и у бабушки единственная внучка,бабушкаживет с нами.я бы ее не отдала бы в сад,но боюсь первого класса,что она будет так же рыдать и отказыватся учится без нас на задней парте(((((помогите пожалусто,я уже запуталась и не понимаю как быть дальше.извените что так длинно написала.

2 AlenaOa   (12.04.2022 10:43) [Материал]
Hello аll, guуѕǃ Ι know, my mеѕsаgе mаy be tоо ѕpесіfic,
But my sistеr fоund nісе man hеrе аnd thеу mаrrіed, sо how аbout mе?ǃ :)
Ι аm 27 уeаrs оld, Аlenа, from Ukrainе, Ι know Εnglіsh and Gеrmаn lаnguagеѕ also
And... I hаvе ѕреcifiс disеаѕе, namеd nymрhomanіа. Whо know whаt іѕ thiѕ, can undеrѕtаnd mе (bеttеr tо say it immеdiаtelу)
Αh yeѕ, I сook very tasty! аnd Ι lоvе nоt onlу соok ;))
Im rеаl gіrl, not рrоstitute, аnd loоkіng for serіouѕ and hot relationshіp...
Anуwаy, уou can fіnd my рrоfile herе: http://siotabre.cf/user/3614/

3 Isabellaharp   (21.07.2022 06:19) [Материал]
Πривeт всем, pебятaǃ Я знаю, моe coобщение мoжeт быть слишкoм конкpетным,
Нo мoя cеcтpа нaшла хоpoшeгo мyжчину, и oни поженились, а кaк насчeт мeня?ǃ :)
Mнe 24 лeт, Изaбеллa, из Рyмынии, такжe знаю aнглийcкий и нeмецкий языки
И... y мeня специфичeскoе забoлевaниe, именyемое нимфoманиeй. Kто знaeт, чтo это такое, мeня поймyт (лyчшe скaзать cразy)
Аx дa, я очень вкуснo готoвлю! a я люблю нe толькo гoтoвить ;))
Я нacтoящaя девyшкa, не прoститyткa, ищy сeрьeзных и гopячих oтношений...
Β любoм слyчае, вы мoжете нaйти мoй прoфиль здeсь: http://brusenel.ga/user-76015/

4 DanielNut   (11.08.2023 17:07) [Материал]
<p class="mol-para-with-font">LIMASSOL, Cyprus July 11 (Reuters) - Asian casino operator Melco Resorts & Entertainment has launched an entertainment and gaming complex in Cyprus, marking its first foray into Europe as it seeks to tap new markets.</p> <p class="mol-para-with-font">The "City of Dreams Mediterranean" had total investment of more than 600 million euros ($659.46 million) making it one of the largest development projects of its kind undertaken in Cyprus.
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The operator said it hoped to attract an additional 300,000 visitors to Cyprus annually.</p> <p class="mol-para-with-font">Macau-based Melco has been seeking to diversify geographically. Aside from its Macau properties, it also has a so-called integrated resort in Manila, in the Philippines.</p> <p class="mol-para-with-font">"City of Dreams Mediterranean ..allows Cyprus to unlock new markets in the region and beyond," said Lawrence Ho, chairman and CEO of Melco.</p> <p class="mol-para-with-font">Cyprus's geographical location, at the crossroads of three continents with its proximity to Israel, North Africa and the rest of Europe was a bonus, as was its "climate and lovely beaches," Ho told Reuters.</p> <p class="mol-para-with-font">The resort, on the outskirts of the southern city of Limassol, is a sprawling complex comprising of a luxury hotel, venue space, eight restaurants, a massive pool complex, spas and retail outlets.</p> <p class="mol-para-with-font">Centre stage is its gaming area, which operators say is the largest casino in Europe at just over the size of a FIFA World Cup soccer pitch.</p> <p class="mol-para-with-font">Ho said Melco was now focused on fully developing the Cyprus project before considering whether to fan out to the rest of Europe.</p> <p class="mol-para-with-font">Ho said the impact of the COVID pandemic had been tough, but the sector was bouncing back.</p> <p class="mol-para-with-font">"We have seen a return of tourists into Macau. Our venture in Manila has recovered very nicely.. but even in Macau things are returning, I think to about 90% of pre-COVID levels," he said.

<b>($1 = 0.9098 euros) (Reporting By Michele Kambas; Editing by Sharon Singleton)</p></div></b>
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5 Colemanjak   (03.01.2024 22:44) [Материал]
‘I didn’t know what to say’: Wiegman praises England despite Olympic blow
Manager ‘proud’ but 6-0 win over Scotland was not enough
‘We really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it’
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Sarina Wiegman said she “didn’t know what to say” to England’s heartbroken stars as they stood in a huddle on hearing the news that the Netherlands had scored a fourth against Belgium to knock them out of the Nations League on goal difference and end any chance of qualifying for the Olympic Games next year.

England looked to have done enough when Lucy Bronze’s late header capped a 6-0 victory against Scotland after 90 minutes of playing leapfrog with the Netherlands at the top of League A Group 1. But Damaris Egurrola’s 95th-minute goal for the Dutch earned them a 4-0 win minutes after England’s game had ended.

Alex Greenwood and Lucy Bronze console one another after hearing the news from the Netherlands.
England thrash Scotland but cannot avoid Team GB Olympic heartbreak
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After the third Dutch goal in the 91st minute Wiegman, who had been relaying news of the score to the team via Bronze, who was nearest the dugout at right-back, urged them to go on the hunt.
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“I said: ‘We have to score now,’” she said. “We were pushing to score that goal anyway, because things can change any minute. So, then they scored, and we said now we have to go, we couldn’t play any scenario because there was no time, it was the end of the game, so she just ran forward, got the goal, that was really good, and I thought now we’re going to get it, but … it was not enough.”

England grouped in a circle, as hopes of Olympic qualification for Team GB died with England’s exit from the Nations League. Only the top two European sides and France as hosts will be at Paris 2024.

“We were waiting for some long minutes, and we really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it,” the manager said. “I said I didn’t know what to say. All I could say was I’m really proud of our performance and what we did this whole week. But it’s not enough and it’s really, really disappointing.”

On whether there was a small silver lining in England’s players getting a summer off and some much-needed rest in an increasingly packed calendar, Wiegman said: “Well, you want to go to every major tournament. The career of a football player is only a certain amount of time, so if you can play every major tournament of course every player wants that. In the bigger picture, we have to look at the calendar.

6 DavidmaH   (03.01.2024 23:17) [Материал]
‘I didn’t know what to say’: Wiegman praises England despite Olympic blow
Manager ‘proud’ but 6-0 win over Scotland was not enough
‘We really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it’
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Sarina Wiegman said she “didn’t know what to say” to England’s heartbroken stars as they stood in a huddle on hearing the news that the Netherlands had scored a fourth against Belgium to knock them out of the Nations League on goal difference and end any chance of qualifying for the Olympic Games next year.

England looked to have done enough when Lucy Bronze’s late header capped a 6-0 victory against Scotland after 90 minutes of playing leapfrog with the Netherlands at the top of League A Group 1. But Damaris Egurrola’s 95th-minute goal for the Dutch earned them a 4-0 win minutes after England’s game had ended.

Alex Greenwood and Lucy Bronze console one another after hearing the news from the Netherlands.
England thrash Scotland but cannot avoid Team GB Olympic heartbreak
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After the third Dutch goal in the 91st minute Wiegman, who had been relaying news of the score to the team via Bronze, who was nearest the dugout at right-back, urged them to go on the hunt.
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“I said: ‘We have to score now,’” she said. “We were pushing to score that goal anyway, because things can change any minute. So, then they scored, and we said now we have to go, we couldn’t play any scenario because there was no time, it was the end of the game, so she just ran forward, got the goal, that was really good, and I thought now we’re going to get it, but … it was not enough.”

England grouped in a circle, as hopes of Olympic qualification for Team GB died with England’s exit from the Nations League. Only the top two European sides and France as hosts will be at Paris 2024.

“We were waiting for some long minutes, and we really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it,” the manager said. “I said I didn’t know what to say. All I could say was I’m really proud of our performance and what we did this whole week. But it’s not enough and it’s really, really disappointing.”

On whether there was a small silver lining in England’s players getting a summer off and some much-needed rest in an increasingly packed calendar, Wiegman said: “Well, you want to go to every major tournament. The career of a football player is only a certain amount of time, so if you can play every major tournament of course every player wants that. In the bigger picture, we have to look at the calendar.

7 Danielmof   (04.01.2024 02:11) [Материал]
‘I didn’t know what to say’: Wiegman praises England despite Olympic blow
Manager ‘proud’ but 6-0 win over Scotland was not enough
‘We really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it’
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Sarina Wiegman said she “didn’t know what to say” to England’s heartbroken stars as they stood in a huddle on hearing the news that the Netherlands had scored a fourth against Belgium to knock them out of the Nations League on goal difference and end any chance of qualifying for the Olympic Games next year.

England looked to have done enough when Lucy Bronze’s late header capped a 6-0 victory against Scotland after 90 minutes of playing leapfrog with the Netherlands at the top of League A Group 1. But Damaris Egurrola’s 95th-minute goal for the Dutch earned them a 4-0 win minutes after England’s game had ended.

Alex Greenwood and Lucy Bronze console one another after hearing the news from the Netherlands.
England thrash Scotland but cannot avoid Team GB Olympic heartbreak
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After the third Dutch goal in the 91st minute Wiegman, who had been relaying news of the score to the team via Bronze, who was nearest the dugout at right-back, urged them to go on the hunt.
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“I said: ‘We have to score now,’” she said. “We were pushing to score that goal anyway, because things can change any minute. So, then they scored, and we said now we have to go, we couldn’t play any scenario because there was no time, it was the end of the game, so she just ran forward, got the goal, that was really good, and I thought now we’re going to get it, but … it was not enough.”

England grouped in a circle, as hopes of Olympic qualification for Team GB died with England’s exit from the Nations League. Only the top two European sides and France as hosts will be at Paris 2024.

“We were waiting for some long minutes, and we really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it,” the manager said. “I said I didn’t know what to say. All I could say was I’m really proud of our performance and what we did this whole week. But it’s not enough and it’s really, really disappointing.”

On whether there was a small silver lining in England’s players getting a summer off and some much-needed rest in an increasingly packed calendar, Wiegman said: “Well, you want to go to every major tournament. The career of a football player is only a certain amount of time, so if you can play every major tournament of course every player wants that. In the bigger picture, we have to look at the calendar.

8 BryanFedia   (04.01.2024 04:58) [Материал]
‘I didn’t know what to say’: Wiegman praises England despite Olympic blow
Manager ‘proud’ but 6-0 win over Scotland was not enough
‘We really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it’
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Sarina Wiegman said she “didn’t know what to say” to England’s heartbroken stars as they stood in a huddle on hearing the news that the Netherlands had scored a fourth against Belgium to knock them out of the Nations League on goal difference and end any chance of qualifying for the Olympic Games next year.

England looked to have done enough when Lucy Bronze’s late header capped a 6-0 victory against Scotland after 90 minutes of playing leapfrog with the Netherlands at the top of League A Group 1. But Damaris Egurrola’s 95th-minute goal for the Dutch earned them a 4-0 win minutes after England’s game had ended.

Alex Greenwood and Lucy Bronze console one another after hearing the news from the Netherlands.
England thrash Scotland but cannot avoid Team GB Olympic heartbreak
Read more
After the third Dutch goal in the 91st minute Wiegman, who had been relaying news of the score to the team via Bronze, who was nearest the dugout at right-back, urged them to go on the hunt.
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“I said: ‘We have to score now,’” she said. “We were pushing to score that goal anyway, because things can change any minute. So, then they scored, and we said now we have to go, we couldn’t play any scenario because there was no time, it was the end of the game, so she just ran forward, got the goal, that was really good, and I thought now we’re going to get it, but … it was not enough.”

England grouped in a circle, as hopes of Olympic qualification for Team GB died with England’s exit from the Nations League. Only the top two European sides and France as hosts will be at Paris 2024.

“We were waiting for some long minutes, and we really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it,” the manager said. “I said I didn’t know what to say. All I could say was I’m really proud of our performance and what we did this whole week. But it’s not enough and it’s really, really disappointing.”

On whether there was a small silver lining in England’s players getting a summer off and some much-needed rest in an increasingly packed calendar, Wiegman said: “Well, you want to go to every major tournament. The career of a football player is only a certain amount of time, so if you can play every major tournament of course every player wants that. In the bigger picture, we have to look at the calendar.

9 Davidhiree   (04.01.2024 05:55) [Материал]
‘I didn’t know what to say’: Wiegman praises England despite Olympic blow
Manager ‘proud’ but 6-0 win over Scotland was not enough
‘We really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it’
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Sarina Wiegman said she “didn’t know what to say” to England’s heartbroken stars as they stood in a huddle on hearing the news that the Netherlands had scored a fourth against Belgium to knock them out of the Nations League on goal difference and end any chance of qualifying for the Olympic Games next year.

England looked to have done enough when Lucy Bronze’s late header capped a 6-0 victory against Scotland after 90 minutes of playing leapfrog with the Netherlands at the top of League A Group 1. But Damaris Egurrola’s 95th-minute goal for the Dutch earned them a 4-0 win minutes after England’s game had ended.

Alex Greenwood and Lucy Bronze console one another after hearing the news from the Netherlands.
England thrash Scotland but cannot avoid Team GB Olympic heartbreak
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After the third Dutch goal in the 91st minute Wiegman, who had been relaying news of the score to the team via Bronze, who was nearest the dugout at right-back, urged them to go on the hunt.
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“I said: ‘We have to score now,’” she said. “We were pushing to score that goal anyway, because things can change any minute. So, then they scored, and we said now we have to go, we couldn’t play any scenario because there was no time, it was the end of the game, so she just ran forward, got the goal, that was really good, and I thought now we’re going to get it, but … it was not enough.”

England grouped in a circle, as hopes of Olympic qualification for Team GB died with England’s exit from the Nations League. Only the top two European sides and France as hosts will be at Paris 2024.

“We were waiting for some long minutes, and we really thought we got it, and then we didn’t make it,” the manager said. “I said I didn’t know what to say. All I could say was I’m really proud of our performance and what we did this whole week. But it’s not enough and it’s really, really disappointing.”

On whether there was a small silver lining in England’s players getting a summer off and some much-needed rest in an increasingly packed calendar, Wiegman said: “Well, you want to go to every major tournament. The career of a football player is only a certain amount of time, so if you can play every major tournament of course every player wants that. In the bigger picture, we have to look at the calendar.

10 WilliamSef   (08.01.2024 08:14) [Материал]
Eddie Jones says rugby fans are frustrated by fussy officiating and stop-start games which he believes is having a negative effect on crowd behaviour. The Australia head coach has been booed repeatedly at the World Cup when his face appears on the big screen and he is concerned that rugby’s values of fairness and tolerance are being eroded.
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This has not been an easy tournament for Jones, whose side must wait until this weekend for their pool qualification fate to be decided. Disappointing defeats by Fiji and Wales mean Australia will likely fail to make the knockout stages for the first time but Jones says the sport’s authorities also need to consider the bigger picture.

Wallabies head coach Eddie Jones is relying on Portugal beating Fiji to salvage Australia’s disastrous Rugby World Cup campaign.
Clock ticks with Eddie Jones and Wallabies in Rugby World Cup purgatory
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“The way the game is being refereed is causing crowd problems,” Jones said in the wake of his side’s 34-14 win against Portugal. “I am of the firm opinion that we are destroying the flow of the game. We have got so many stoppages now … we had a TMO for everything.


1-10 11-20 21-30 ... 71-80 81-86
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